Friday 10 March 2017

Maybe it's time to walk away

You owe it to yourself to leave. 
You know it. I know it too. Sometimes there is a part of you that knows whats best for you. Not the logical part of you, but the core of you. The part of you that you easily brush away and silence because you do not want to listen to it. But you know deep down that its what you want. 
But that's part been getting louder lately, hasn't it ? It's getting harder and harder to ignore. The part that knows what is genuinely best for you, knows it's time to get out. 
So it's time. It's time to take the leap. It's time to let go of your comfort zone. Because nothing great can ever be achieved from your comfort zone. It's time to move towards the big, messy unknown that's going to make you better, that's going to grow you.
You know you owe yourself that growth. Even though it's probably going to feel like a failure at first. Even though its's going to hurt like hell. Even if it feels like taking ten steps backwards in order to take one step forward in a new direction. Because doing what you love is what you need now. You owe that to yourself. So it's okay if you have to start over. It's okay if you are going to seem like a failure at first.
Maybe you owe yourself that failure
You owe yourself to get out now, while some part of you knows you still can.
Before comfort becomes complacency. Before the easy choice starts feeling like the only choice. Before staying becomes so engraved in your behavior that you forget there was any other  option. You owe it to yourself to get out now before you have walked too long on the wrong road that turning back seems almost impossible.
Because right now, you still  know what you want. You can still see the other side. Right now you know exactly what you ought to be doing, even if its going to be difficult. Right now you can still see two roads diverging ahead of you. The one that you'd rather be on and the one that you are stuck on. But do not take for granted that you will keep seeing the other road. Don't take for granted that you will always have the chance 
So make the choice you need to make now. 
Don't make it for the person you are today but for the person you want to be five years from now. The one who went for what they wanted and messed up a lot along the way, but still made it. Made it somewhere hard-earned, authentic and real.
Try to love that person more than you love yourself right now. Because that's a person you will be proud of. And if you can't say the same about the person you are today, then you owe it to yourself to walk away.