Sunday 3 July 2016

I am (not) good enough!

I am not good enough. How many times have you had this phrase cross your mind? How many times have you heard people around you say this? 
I am guessing that might have been quiet a number of times? Right?

Now I would like to suggest how to learn to look at things. 
First a given situation is not the same to everyone. Everyone has a different and unique way of perceiving things. One man's trash might be another man's treasure. One man's hate might be another man's love. One man's hell might be another man's heaven. Think about it. 
The way we perceive ourselves might actually be so different from another person's view of us. You might think you are dull and boring but someone else out there might just find you beautiful and fascinating. Because the obvious fact is, any opinion we hold about ourselves is nothing more than our mind playing games with us. Really. 
It is something repeated to ourselves endlessly that it tricks us into mistaking it for a fact. 
So why do we sometimes feel like we are not good enough?
The main suspects I would say are unrealistic portrayal of women/men by the media. The constant buzz of people saying 'be like her, be like him'. We as social beings do that dreadful thing all the time called, comparing ourselves. You might compare yourself to someone thinking they have it all. But the reality might be different than what you perceive and its actually your personal definition of success that is not on par with someone else's.
Our minds are really wonderful things but at the same time scary too. Its the mind that tells us 'No you cannot do that, You are not good enough' Thoughts are just thoughts. They are not facts.

It sadly is a vicious cycle that we get ourselves into. We never begin that dance lesson or apply for that job or ask someone out because we keep feeding this story into us that we cannot until that story actually becomes reality.

So how do we overcome the fear of not being good enough?
It's definitely not going to be easy. It is not simple and will not happen overnight. But it will happen eventually once you start taking conscious effort to block your mind out of those unhealthy and negative thoughts. And when you stop believing everything you think. So every time you find that negative thought creeping in, ask yourself, 'Why not me?'  ' Why him and not me?' 
And the more you question yourself the more you understand that the only person who is standing in your way is you. You're the one who actually has to give permission to yourself to do that thing you did not do cause you thought you cannot.
You cannot hate your way into loving yourself. That just wont work.You need to dust yourself and pick yourself up in times of failure. You need to keep moving forward. Sometimes you have to treat yourself and be proud yourself. You have to love yourself regardless of who you are and where you stand. 
I know it sounds annoyingly simple, But you really are worth more, inside and out, than you give yourself credit for. And you are enough just as you are.