Thursday 28 May 2015

Hey girl! (The female species)

There are no two people who are completely alike in this world! And there are definitely no two girls who are alike.
No offence to the women, but we girls are quiet complicated!
So, I thought it will be fun to categorize the different types of girls we encounter atleast once in our life times.

Disclaimer :  This is merely a composition of girls/women I have met in my life. So take no offense   of the stuff below.

The Know it All!

These are the ones that pretend to know the A-Z of life, but in reality they know nothing. They just go around like they created the world. They do not care or want to know the opinion of others. What they say is always always perfectly perfectly true. You can never win a argument with this kind.They also cannot bring themselves to accept if they are wrong about something. 

The Drama Queen!

All women/girls have a bit of drama in them. That is what makes us women I suppose. But there are girls who act like they just walked out of a Bollywood film. These girls exaggerate everything into a whole new dramatic level. There are no tiny events in their lives, OMG, I just gained 100 gms, OMG, I just broke my newly manicured nail. OMG, I hate my life. 
And of course they like to be the center of attention. The whole world revolves around them. 

The Independent!

These girls are types that make you want to scream 'way to go!'. They don't depend upon anybody. They do what they want to and they are happy doing it by themselves. They are strong and confident and rarely need help from others and trust their own instincts. They are less trouble and posses less or no drama. They are there for you when you need them, other times they don't really interfere. They prove that they have a life of their own and do not want to live other people's lives. 

The Clingy and the Possessive!

These girls want everybody and everything for themselves. They are probably the most annoying types as they always want to know what is happening in your life. Like every teeny, tiny detail. They stalk you and creep you out with their silly behavior. Beware of these kind of girls. Before you know it, they will stick onto you like a damn leech and you can never ever detach yourself. They will never let you go. They will not respect boundaries and you are bound to find them all over the place. You are their world and you better pretend they are yours or you are in for a tantrum. 

The Two-Faced Back Stabbers!

We all definitely know these kind. Very popular I must say. They pretend to be your buddy by being nice to you, but behind your back they are just saying nasty stuff. They want everybody to like them so they play around. You think they are best friends with someone but then you catch them gossiping about that best friend. They say they hate someone but then you catch them taking selfies with that someone, with their faces stuck to each other. You obviously cant trust these people and its best to not share your personal information with them, unless you want the whole world to know about it. 

The Benevolent!

This type is extremely kind- hearted and compassionate. They think a lot about others and are not self-obsessed. They show interest in other peoples problems and are very helpful. Because they are not self-centered, people go to them and genuinely like them. They are considerate about others feelings and respect them. They also posses the qualities of a good friend. 

So that's about it. If you readers know any other kind, feel free to comment below. They will be much appreciated.  :)